

Oh me, oh my...there is a lot on my mind. Blogging is one of the last things I should be doing, but oh well. Here we go. I wanted to share some of my Memorial Day weekend with you.This is Silver Falls Park. We woke up at the crack of dawn to hike 8.5 mi along a gorgeous river and a series of incredible waterfalls. We tried to get there before the trails got to crowded, which they did around 11am. There is a lot of beauty in Oregon. I enjoyed looking at all the different plants growing along the trail. I should have grabbed some leaves and scanned them. And the water was so crystal clear. I was tempted to get in, but it was really too cold for that. Blogging about wateralls is making me think about that TLC song waterfalls. Haha... its been forever since I've heard that song. Every time I go hiking, I always think about how awesome it is to be a part of nature and how I should do it more often so if you have any recommendations send them my way.

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